The Vision

The vision of GPPA.G Business network really started 10 year ago after an extended period of being out of work. I felt dejected, lonely and frankly without hope for the future. It was not until I began to properly evaluate and examine my personal gifting and previous professional experience, and stopped the pity-party, that I realised that I had something going for me.

I began to realise that the greatest challenge I had to future success what not the joblessness, not the lack of finance, not the crippling circumstances that engulfed me. It was not event the economic climate. (Even through in the most severe of economic time someone somewhere was still making money! Why couldn't it be me?). The greatest hindrance to my person progress was simply, 'me!' Me and my excuses for failure and the lack of opportunity

I event had to break the notion that I was being pursued by failure because 'I was black!' As if success looks at your nationality for approval. This ridiculous misconception was one of the other misconceptions that had been taught from a boy, that there was something dysfunctional about being of a certain skin colour. This of course was compounded by the fact that the various communities I lived in at that time had been wrongly conditioned to think failure was a matter of race. This point of view was floored and so flimsy that I had to quickly eject such a debilitating constraint. After all people of all nationalities from all over the world were being successful and in many cases very successful. So the bottom line was, 'no more excuses for sucking on the illusion of failure....'

This was not easy to accept because I had spent so much time reviewing negative images of myself, my ability and myself worth to then begin to think of myself as having 'potential'. That felt really difficult. Looking back at this mentality I am surprised I got out of bed in the morning. I had so much potential but nowhere to channel that potential. What I needed was a 'leg-up!', A 'pull-up!', A 'hand-up!' I needed someone or something to help me get started. The pursuit for suitable mentors and helpers began. But wait a minute! My environment had to change as well. Not only did I need to change my mindset, I also needed to change the crowd I was 'hanging' with.

I began to realise that I still needed to keep my friends but I also needed not to be in their immediate company as regularly as I use to listing to, what I had coined, 'limiting excuses for failure'. In my previous social interactions we would discuss topics such as, "... I am black and blocked! I am poor and just about surviving! I am bottom of ladder at the back of the queue. Babylon needs to be burnt down so I can be set free....." You get the picture? I had to find new people to hang with. If I could not be with people with an achievers mindset in person, then I would need to be with them through their literature and multi-media material. I began to soak myself with the infusion material that became the motivational and directional antidote I needed for my decease - 'the inability mindset'.

Please revisit to read more extract from my book - "The ability Mindset". More to come..........

THE GPPA.G BUSINESS NETWORK - How it was established

The riots in the UK in 2011 opened up and exposed that fact that far too many people were feeling separated from their community and had adopted and 'survival only' disposition. '...Get all you can and can all you get! One for one, yes all for me..!' They need to hear that there is an alternative to this. So for me this was the right time to tell others about the things that had been an impact in my life. So I introduced my program to local borough. What I wanted to challenge the youth and adults with was that success if not racist, nationalistic or exclusive. Success only listens to your heart, your mind (mindset) and demands your action to find it. For this to happen you need to get rid of, 'The Inability Mindset'.

This program is designed for:

1. Youth who would participate in our youth program - Youth Big In Business. This program is classed as a FE program and engages members from 16 years upwards. (Younger members can participate with parental consent)
2. For adults, in our 1-2-3-GO Program, who are looking to develop a business idea in a motivational and supportive environment

In the light of recent events with our youth and the effects this as had in our community, I have stopped the many other things I have been working on in my organisation and over the last few months have been re-designing something that I feel could contribute to the long-term ‘renewal endeavours’ necessary to engage our youth and our community providing a beacon of hope and empowerment. Here is my contribution, ‘The GPPA.G Network’.

This is a simple program that is designed to economically empower our communities. In the light of future government changes this will be a vital tool in our hands to practically make a viable and sustainable contribution that will raise the profile of our peoples starting in Croydon and, I believe, into other places
Encourage your young people and adults to attend and be part of the many positive changes needed and happening in Croydon.

For more information click on the following links: – Information about the launch – Youth Big In Business

GPPA.G Promotional Videos, click links: - The Program explained – The Youth Section ‘Big in Business’ - Adult Program 1-2-3-Go

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