On this page you will be able to find information specific to the GPPA.G Launch on the 20th October and everything you need to get involved in this exciting and motivating environment and program
The GPPA.G Network & Program is primarily a business and personal development program with the specific focus of achieving business success and business excellence using the powerful vehicle of 'Teams' and 'Team Work' (but with one significant difference - We focus on client long-term development)
We work 3 main sectors called. 'Environs':
1. Youth Environs - The Youth Big In Business Sector
2. The Adult Environs - Adult business sector called 1-2-3-GO!
3. Support Evirons - This GPPA.G Network support material, expert alliance associations, seminars, training and events
This program has many similarities to many other organisations providing training and business mentoring, including business and personal development. We feel tha that it is important to emphasis and it loud and clear about what we are selling. GPPA.G Network is selling is a supportive and motivating business,
'E n v i r o n m e n t'
An environment that supports member starting from the age of 16 and beyond. This means after many other programs and organisations have finished and the clients leave, GPPA.G Network goes further and is designed to support you and your business for a lifetimeWhat has been found is that start-up businesses do not want more, 'information' (they may not even need any additional finance) to get started. The fact is that what most executives need after the acquisition of information (after being informed how to write a business plans, budgeting, other training courses and getting the relevant qualifications) is an environment that provides continuous support that helps learner not only with facilities but with a 'community' of like minded people that provides stimulation that encourages continuous growth individually or with team business models in an 'on-going' and motivating environment
It is how the GPPA.G Network uses this 'environment' concept that creates its 'on-going' training and support-for-success ethos
Interest in knowing more? The first step is to attend our business forums to find out if this organsation can help you. For more information contact:
Praise House
145-151 London Rd
W: 020 8649 5675
T: 07960 185 212
F: 020 8653 1413
E: gppa-g@hotmail.co.uk
W: http://www.gppanetwork.blogspot.com/ (Main page)Croydon,
W: 020 8649 5675
T: 07960 185 212
F: 020 8653 1413
E: gppa-g@hotmail.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/gppagnetwork
Part of the GPPA.G Network
© Copyright GPPA.G Ltd- July 2011. All right reserved